Release 2018_030 (2018-10-18)#

NixOS platform#

  • Add NodeJS 10.9.0 (#106647).

  • Update Prometheus to 2.4.2. Prometheus 1.8 is kept running for about 3 months keep the metrics available – there is no data migration (#105414).

  • Statshost uses InfluxDB for long term storage with downsampled metrics (#105414).

  • Add support for ElasticSearch 6, remove support for ElasticSearch 2 (#106678).

  • Update Kibana to 6.3.2 (#106678).

Gentoo platform#

  • Improve block device and SSD trimming settings to reduce storage outages (#105227).

  • Fix rpc.mountd crash on RG NFS share servers (#106463).