Release 2019_022 (2019-09-26)#


  • [NixOS 15.09] MySQL will be restarted

  • [NixOS 15.09] Redis will be restarted

  • [NixOS 15.09/19.03] Redis will be restarted

  • [NixOS 19.03] Nginx will be reloaded

NixOS 15.09 platform#

  • Fix automatic restart for MySQL (#117071).

  • Fix automatic restart for Redis (#114925).

  • Remove unnecessary labels from Redis metrics (#119259).

NixOS 19.03 platform#

  • Nginx: fix reload for multiple vhosts with automatic Letsencrypt certificates (#115661).

  • Nginx: listen address (IPv4 and IPv6) can be configured in JSON vhost config now (#115661).

  • Fix automatic restart for Redis (#114925).

  • Link htpasswd file which has moved earlier back to original location in /etc/local/nginx and document change (#115470).