Release 2022_010 (2022-04-11)#


  • [NixOS 21.05] Elasticsearch and Kibana will be restarted.

  • [NixOS 21.11] Elasticsearch and Kibana will be restarted.

NixOS 21.11 platform#

  • Elasticsearch/Kibana: use OSS packages by default to make sure we don’t provide unfree functionality covered by the Elastic license (#PL-130528).

  • Elasticsearch/Kibana: pin version for the 7.x roles to 7.10.2 which is the last version available with a free license. (#PL-130528).

  • Gitlab: update 14.8.4 -> 14.8.5 (#PL-130540).

  • k3s: add a simplified single-node role intended for running CI pipelines from Gitlab, for example (#PL-130465).

  • Jitsi: add a Sensu check to find situations where Jitsi is unusable, for example when the videobridge isn’t available (#PL-129940).

  • Updated and extended MySQL role documentation.

  • Production channel URL for this release:

NixOS 21.05 platform#

  • Elasticsearch/Kibana: use OSS packages by default to make sure we don’t provide unfree functionality covered by the Elastic license (#PL-130528).

  • Elasticsearch/Kibana: pin version for the 7.x roles to 7.10.2 which is the last version available with a free license. (#PL-130528).

  • Elasticsearch: use Java 11 which is recommended for the used ES versions and provides additional protection against log4shell exploits (#PL-130528)

  • Sensu/Uchiwa: tune refresh and timeout settings to avoid spurious connection issues when the API is temporarily overloaded (#PL-130537).

  • Updated and extended MySQL role documentation.

  • Production channel URL for this release:

Detailed Changes#