How to deploy a MongoDB#

By default, it’s recommended to use the MongoDB packages provided by upstream NixOS. All provided packages can be found in our package search.

Please keep in mind that NixOS doesn’t provide binaries for MongoDB due to the license not being OSI-approved.

The following versions of MongoDB are regularly built by Hydra for platform releases:



min. platform release



for 23.11: 2024_019, part of 24.05 or newer

For legacy setups, the following store-paths are available in our binary cache and can be used to run old versions of MongoDB:


Store Path

Platform release







NixOS has support for providing a MongoDB systemd service. It can be configured as follows in /etc/local/nixos/mongodb.nix:

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
  inherit (config) fclib;

  mcfg =;

  listenAddresses = ++;

  checkPkg = pkgs.fc.check-mongodb;
  checkMongoCmd = "${checkPkg}/bin/check_mongodb";
  extraCheckArgs = "-h localhost -p 27017";

  mongoCnf = pkgs.writeText "mongodb.yaml" ''
    net.bindIp: "${mcfg.bind_ip}"
    net.ipv6: true

    ${lib.optionalString mcfg.quiet "systemLog.quiet: true"}
    systemLog.path: /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log
    systemLog.destination: file
    systemLog.logAppend: true
    systemLog.logRotate: reopen

    storage.dbPath: ${mcfg.dbpath}

    processManagement.fork: true
    processManagement.pidFilePath: ${mcfg.pidFile}

    ${lib.optionalString (mcfg.replSetName != "") "replication.replSetName: ${mcfg.replSetName}"}

in {
  environment.systemPackages = [

  services.mongodb = {
    enable = true;
    dbpath = "/srv/mongodb";
    bind_ip = lib.concatStringsSep "," listenAddresses;
    pidFile = "/run/";
    package = throw "Please replace this `throw ...` expression with 'builtins.storePath /nix/store/…'";
    enableAuth = true;

    # WARNING: this will only work on the very first install.
    # You need to change MongoDB's root password manually later on.
    initialRootPassword = throw "Please replace this `throw ...` expression with the initial root password of the mongodb root account";

    # WARNING: don't set this on the initial install of MongoDB!
    # Otherwise the initialRootPassword won't be set.
    #replSetName = "replica";
  }; = {
    preStart = "echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag";
    postStop = "echo always > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag";
    # intial creating of journal takes ages
    serviceConfig.TimeoutStartSec = 1200;
    serviceConfig.LimitNOFILE = 64000;
    serviceConfig.LimitNPROC = 32000;
    serviceConfig.Restart = "always";
    serviceConfig.ExecStart = lib.mkForce ''
      ${mcfg.package}/bin/mongod --config ${mongoCnf}
    reload = ''
      if [[ -f ${mcfg.pidFile} ]]; then
        kill -USR1 $(< ${mcfg.pidFile} )

  users.users.mongodb = {
    shell = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/bash";
    home = "/srv/mongodb";

  flyingcircus.infrastructure.preferNoneSchedulerOnSsd = true;

  flyingcircus.activationScripts = {
    mongodb-dirs = lib.stringAfter [ "users" "groups" ] ''
      install -d -o mongodb /{srv,var/log}/mongodb

  security.sudo.extraRules = [
    # Service users may switch to the mongodb system user
      commands = [ { command = "ALL"; options = [ "NOPASSWD" ]; } ];
      groups = [ "sudo-srv" "service" ];
      runAs = "mongodb";
      commands = [ { command = checkMongoCmd; options = [ "NOPASSWD" ]; } ];
      users = [ "sensuclient" ];
      runAs = "mongodb";

    Logrotation for logfiles created by mongodb.

    If nothing else was configured, logfiles will be removed after
    14 days.

    Rotations happen daily.
  services.logrotate.settings = {
    "/var/log/mongodb/*.log" = {
      nocreate = true;
      postrotate = "systemctl reload mongodb";
  }; = {
      Adds custom sensu checks for mongodb implemented by our platform.

      This checks whether it can connect to MongoDB and whether the
      feature compatibility version matches the running version.
    sensu-client.checks = {
      mongodb = {
        notification = "MongoDB alive";
        command = ''
          /run/wrappers/bin/sudo -u mongodb -- ${checkMongoCmd} -d mongodb ${extraCheckArgs}
      mongodb_feature_compat_version = {
        notification = "MongoDB is running on an outdated feature compatibility version";
        command = ''
          /run/wrappers/bin/sudo -u mongodb -- ${checkMongoCmd} -d mongodb -A feature_compat_version ${extraCheckArgs}
        interval = 600;

      Increases the max. allowed network connections to this VM
      before the sensu alert gets red.
    sensu-client.expectedConnections = {
      warning = 60000;
      critical = 63000;

    telegraf.inputs = {
      mongodb = [
          servers = ["mongodb://"];
          gather_perdb_stats = true;

Additional configuration for MongoDB can be appended into the contents of mongoCnf.