Release 2020_016 (2020-06-15)#


  • [NixOS 19.03] Nginx, Kibana and possibly other services that depend on OpenSSL 1.1 will be restarted.

NixOS 19.03 platform#

  • Add RabbitMQ 3.8 role (#126083).

  • Fix port conflict on 443 when Letsencrypt is used. This makes it possible to run a TURN server on 443 with automated letsencrypt certs, for example (#126629).

  • Security: Update Qemu to 4.2.0 (#126583).

  • Security: Update for OpenSSL 1.1.1 (#126583).

  • Fix Postfix permissions problem which lead to incomplete Telegraf metrics for low-volume mail servers (#126332).

NixOS 15.09 platform#

  • Add tar and compression tools to fc-manage. Using fetchTarball in local NixOS config doesn’t break automatic configuration anymore (#124799).