Release 2022_008 (2022-03-21)#


  • [NixOS 21.11] VMs will schedule a reboot to activate the changed kernel.

  • [NixOS 21.05] VMs will schedule a reboot to activate the changed kernel.

NixOS 21.11 platform#

  • Add a sensu check for early detection of a XFS bug that may bring IO to a halt (#PL-130343).

  • Jitsi: update jitsi-videobridge, jicofo and jitsi-meet to latest stable versions (#PL-130375).

  • k3s: 1.22.3 -> 1.23.3. Fixes a problem with images with very long labels which prevented affected pods from starting (#PL-130456).

  • Improve default firewall rules for docker bridged networking: allow access to host service similar to other locally run services (#PL-130058).

  • Remove duplicate, broken SSL certificate checks (#PL-130379).

NixOS 21.05 platform#

  • Add a sensu check for early detection of a XFS bug that may bring IO to a halt (#PL-130343).

  • linux: 5.10.88 -> 5.10.105 (fixes CVE-2022-0847) (#PL-130481).

  • Improve default firewall rules for docker bridged networking: allow access to host service similar to other locally run services (#PL-130058).

  • Remove duplicate, broken SSL certificate checks (#PL-130379).

  • Production channel URL for this release:

Detailed Changes#