Release 2021_038 (2021-11-29)#

NixOS 21.05 platform#

  • We can now provision custom NixOS configuration for all machines per customer, resource group, and individually for each machine through our configuration database (#PL-129625).

  • Monitor size of netfilter connection tracking table (conntrack) and increase size limit (#PL-130189).

  • fc-agent: improve error handling: extract Nix builder errors properly for logging, fix problem that sometimes caused the loss of lines of command output at the end. (#PL-130214).

  • Varnish: fix metrics relabeling rules so metrics don’t contain a partial nix store path anymore (#PL-120471).

  • Matrix: update synapse to 1.47.1 to fix a security issue (CVE-2021-41281) (#PL-130224).

  • Add option to enable the kernel audit system and automatically log information about all started processes as well as interactions on TTYs to our centralized logging infrastructure. This feature may become mandatory in the future (#PL-129625).

  • Extend the mechanism that writes a htpasswd file for users with login permission to provide a htpasswd file for each permission within the resource group (/etc/local/htpasswd_fcio_users.*).

  • Limit access to the Kubernetes dashboard to users with the sudo-srv permission.

  • Allow service users to use dev containers.

  • Production channel URL for this release:

Detailed Changes#