Release 2022_020 (2022-08-01)#


  • [NixOS 21.11] Elasticsearch nodes will be restarted.

  • [NixOS 21.11] Jitsi services will be restarted. Conferences will be interrupted for a short amount of time.

NixOS 21.11 platform#

  • Elasticsearch role improvements (#PL-130608):

    • Make default config safer to prevent accidental cluster splits. Projects with multiple Elasticsearch clusters should set the esNodes option explicitly.

    • Add initialMasterNodes option for setting up a cluster which has multiple nodes right from the start.

    • Change config defaults to support mixed-version clusters for rolling upgrades.

    • Allow service/sudo-srv users to run elasticsearch-show-config.

    • Documentation: document our NixOS role options which are the preferred way of configuring ES now. The local README at /etc/local/elasticsearch/ now has more dynamically generated information about the current node and cluster configuration.

  • mailserver: fix changing the user password via Web mailer (Roundcube) settings (#PL-130674).

  • Jitsi: update packages to latest stable and add watchdog checks to restart Jitsi services if they are running but don’t work properly. This usually happens after a reboot or large system update, making Jitsi conferences unavailable until a manual service restart (#PL-130720).

  • Redis: document how to change the password (#PL-130686).

  • Production channel URL for this release:

Detailed Changes#