
Our API is provided as an XML-RPC endpoint at the URL We use Apache’s XML-RPC extensions to support null values and long integer types.

There are two methods implemented (query() and apply()) that work on resources like virtual machines, user permissions, projects, maintenance windows, and so on.

>>> import xmlrpclib
>>> xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("")
>>> server.apply([{'__type__': 'virtualmachine', 'name': 'test00', 'memory': 1024}])

The API is designed with idempotence and transactional behaviour in mind to support reliability: re-playing actions will always cause the same result as the first time and you can group together changes that are either applied all at once or not at all.

Changes applied to resources are stored in our inventory database when calling the API. There is no guarantee that any change is applied to the actual objects on our platform within a given period of time.

For example: changing the RAM of a virtual machine will update the record in our database. This in turn causes maintenance to be scheduled for a controlled reboot of the VM depending on the project’s maintenance window configuration.


Access to the API is intended to be confidential. We provide the API only through HTTPS. We continuously monitor for the quality of the certificate and webserver settings.


To interact with the API you need to authenticate within the context of a project. For every project there exists an API key that can be managed from the self-service UI API dashboard.

Authentication happens through HTTP Basic Auth with the username being the name of the project and the password being the access key for this project.

>>> xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(
...     "")


Access to any resource is granted based on the relation of the project the access key belongs to. A key is granted either full access (r/w) to any object within the project or no access at all. This includes all objects of any child projects.


The API key can not be used to delete the project it belongs to. It can only delete child projects.


The API may enforce semantic limits on the application of changes:

  • resource limits to avoid exceeding the capacity and redundancy of our infrastructure (RAM, CPU, disk)

  • credit limits to avoid exceeding the value of services a customer is willing to pay for (limit per project and its children, based on a projection of the additional monthly cost of adjusted resources)

When limits are enforced the API will return a specific fault indicating this.

We expect customers to perform a reasonable number of API requests without enforcing them at the moment. Consider caching data on your side and performing adequate batch queries in apply() and query() to avoid overloading our systems with requests.

In the future we may introduce specific and hard technical limits on the number of API calls within a period of time.