Release 2022_006 (2022-02-21)#

NixOS 21.05 platform#

  • Add PHP 7.2 for usage in our LAMP role for legacy reasons (#PL-130410).

  • devhost: automatic container cleanup is optional now and nginx configs are more robust regarding container DNS lookups.

  • Docs: add examples on how to add custom systemd services with Nix code.

  • Docs, LAMP: show how to add PHP extensions.

  • Production channel URL for this release:

NixOS 20.09 platform#

NixOS 19.03 platform#

  • Fetch Nix store paths (packages) directly from our S3-compatible object storage to reduce load on our central Hydra instance.

NixOS 15.09 platform#

  • Fetch Nix store paths (packages) directly from our S3-compatible object storage to reduce load on our central Hydra instance.

Detailed Changes#