Release 2021_029 (2021-09-06)#


  • [NixOS 21.05] Elasticsearch will be restarted. VMs will schedule a reboot to activate the changed kernel.

NixOS 21.05 platform#

  • Merge upstream NixOS changes that include security fixes and other updates (#PL-130071):

    • ffmpeg: patch CVE-2021-33815 and CVE-2021-38114

    • haproxy: 2.3.10 -> 2.3.13

    • linux: 5.10.57 -> 5.10.60

    • matrix-synapse: 1.39.0 -> 1.41.0

  • Nginx: custom Flying Circus options can be fully configured via Nix code now.<domain> supports the same options as JSON config for easy porting of JSON to Nix. The options services.nginx.virtualHosts.<domain>.listenAddress and listenAddress6 were removed, use listenAddresses (a list of IPv4 and quoted IPv6 addresses) instead. The two options still exist in JSON config but will be deprecated in the future. (#PL-129843).

  • Mailserver: add imprintUrl and imprintText (config.json or via Nix code) to allow the user to specify either HTML or a redirect URL to be served at the mailHost FQDN. These options can be used to serve an imprint which may be required by some mail providers on the other side like T-Online, for example. (#PL-129598).

  • Production channel URL for this release:

Detailed Changes#