Release 2018_008 (2018-03-28)¶
[NixOS] ElasticSearch instances will be restarted.
[Gentoo] PostgreSQL 9.3 instances will be restarted.
NixOS platform¶
Fix cluster detection for
roles (#100251).Provide Python 3.5 and 3.6 for manual installation via
(#100534, #100644, #100759).Fix monitoring of ElasticSearch 5 (#100170).
ElasticSearch startup: improve behaviour when /srv/elasticsearch contains old files (#100722).
Fix occasional build error in firewall configuration (#100755).
Adjust our swap check: instead of relying on relative usage and “almost empy”, we now consider more than 1G of usage to be “too much” (#100605).
Tune HAProxy timeout settings for Graylog (#100770).
Don’t reboot VMs due to high load (#100612).
Gentoo platform¶
memcached: Fix firewall to block 11211/udp access to avoid amplification attacks (#100565).
Fix apache2 config file update (#100383).
Security update for PostgreSQL: 9.3.3 -> 9.3.14 (GLSA 201701-33; #25481).