Release 2015_056 (2015-12-23)#


  • Security update for OpenSSH GLSA 201512-04 (#19517). This change deprecates usage of ssh-dss keys as they are not secure anymore. Please consider creating a new SSH key if you are effected.

  • Security update for gdk-pixbuf GLSA 201512-05 (#19518).

  • Port gettext 0.19.4 to overlay as it’s needed by the update of gdk-pixbuf (#19518)

  • We are ignoring the security update for grub GLSA 201512-03 as we are not affected by the issue.


  • Remove duplicate package declaration of libjpeg (#19456)

  • Improve loghost performance and reliability (#18782)

  • Move Ceph-MON data directories into own logical volumes for increased speed and fault tolerance (#18803).

  • Improve Nginx configuration to support more/longer server names. (#19469)


  • Improve directory/nagios consistency check (#19425).