Release 2016_019 (2016-06-22)#


  • Percona 5.7 servers need to be restarted due to the version upgrade.

NixOS platform#

  • Upgrade percona (MySQL clone) version to 5.7.12.

  • Improve mailout configuration for system/cron mails (#21964).

  • Provide pre-built PHP 5.5 in addition to PHP 5.6.

  • Add libjpeg and related command line utilities to the default installation (#21949).

Gentoo platform#

  • Provide new backup schedule “default-full” which takes full backups every day. This is meant for heavily used database VMs with high change rates (#21960).

  • Improve monitoring and alerting for overflowing disks in Ceph clusters. Now the supporter is alerted in advance to get more reaction time (#21961).

  • Moderate size of swap and tmp volumes for large VMs (#21961).