Release 2017_002 (2017-01-26)#
[NixOS/Gentoo] Most services need to be restarted because several wide-spread libraries have been updated.
NixOS platform#
Update nginx to 1.10.2 for HTTP/2 support (#25455).
NodeJS 6 uses a recent OpenSSL library (#25440).
Security update for OpenSSL (#23921).
Update libidn (#23893).
Basic memcached role (#22271).
Basic graylog2 support for loghosts (#22495).
Very rudimentary dovecot support (experimental; #15370).
Provide NodeJS 4 package to support Meteor 0.14 applications.
Avoid unnecessary reboots due to minor kernel packaging changes.
Gentoo platform#
Security update for zlib (GLSA 201701-56; #25597).
Security update for libxml2 (GLSA 201701-37; #25520).
Enable kernel Network Block Device (NBD) client everywhere.
Improve robustness of restart code for rsyslogd, sshd, and others (#25566).