
Runs a Docker daemon to use containers for application deployment.


All service users can interact with Docker using the docker command.


The Flying Circus network is designed to allow customer application components to talk to each other securely and reliably. We recommend using the bridged networking option.

Programs running in a bridged container can access the rest of the network similar to programs run directly on the host. They can access neighbouring srv services in the same resource group and talk to the internet either directly through the frontend network or masqueraded through the server-to-server network.


We used to recommend the host networking option as a workaround due to incompatibilities with the NixOS firewall management. This option is now no longer recommended as it breaks fundamental assumptions about how containers work and how they are isolated.

Docker Storage Driver

The storage driver is used for images and containers.

Currently, docker is using the overlay2 storage driver for new installations.

For existing installations, Docker auto-detects the storage driver if not configured explicitly.

Older versions of docker (NixOS 15.09) used the devicemapper storage driver which has been deprecated for some time. It will be removed in version 25 of Docker.

On 24.05, docker refuses to start if it detects devicemapper and is not explicitly configured to use it. You can still choose to continue using devicemapper or migrate to overlay2.

To find out which storage driver Docker is using, run as service user:

docker info | grep Storage

Docker also logs warnings to the journal on startup if it is using devicemapper.

Continue using devicemapper


As Docker 25 has removed the devicemapper backend, it is now clear that storage driver migration has to happen. We expect that Docker >= 25 might become the new default in the next platform release 24.11, so be prepared to have a migration plan for all containers that need to persist until then.

Add custom NixOS config like:

# /etc/local/nixos/docker.nix
{ ... }:
  virtualisation.docker.daemon.settings = {
    storage-driver = "devicemapper";

Rebuild the system with sudo fc-manage switch.

Switch to overlay2


It’s not possible to use another storage driver without downtime. You have to re-create images and containers!

Changing the storage driver will render existing containers and images inaccessible. Volumes are not affected by the storage driver change.

Old containers and images will still be kept in /var/lib/docker and consume disk space. There’s no supported way to remove them from disk after the change.

Because of that, clean up unneeded images and containers before switching, using docker rmi and docker rm. If it’s OK to have more downtime and you are sure that you don’t want to switch back, you can just remove all images and containers.

When you are ready to switch, add the following custom NixOS config or change the existing config:

# /etc/local/nixos/docker.nix
{ ... }:
  virtualisation.docker.daemon.settings = {
    storage-driver = "overlay2";

Rebuild the system with sudo fc-manage switch and re-create containers after that.

You can remove the config after a successful migration.