Base environment

The base installation includes various packages that generally help with application deployment and provide various system tools. Most of them add executable files to the global PATH and some can be used as a library.

Depending on globally-installed packages should generally be avoided as this may cause breakage of your applications, especially on NixOS upgrades. It’s better to use custom user environments to install application dependencies, as described in User Package Management or other methods to isolate application dependencies from the system.

Also note that these packages don’t provide running services/daemons, like apacheHttpd. Services are typically activated by adding roles (also called components) to a machine, for example lamp.

You can look up packages and their descriptions via:

  • the Flying Circus Package Search: provides packages both from the upstream NixOS project as well as additions from our platform

  • or NixOS Package Search: only provides upstream NixOS packages, but also returns results from nested package sets

Packages added by our platform

  • apacheHttpd

  • atop

  • automake

  • bc

  • cmake

  • curl

  • db

  • dnsutils

  • dstat

  • ethtool

  • file

  • fc.logcheckhelper

  • fio

  • gcc

  • git

  • gnumake

  • gnupg

  • gptfdisk

  • htop

  • inetutils (telnet)

  • iotop

  • jq

  • latencytop

  • links2

  • lsof

  • lynx

  • mailx

  • mercurial

  • mmv

  • mtr

  • nano

  • ncdu

  • netcat

  • ngrep

  • nix-top

  • nixfmt-rfc-style

  • nmap

  • nvd

  • openssl

  • pkg-config

  • psmisc

  • pwgen

  • python3

  • pythonPackages.virtualenv

  • ripgrep

  • screen

  • statix

  • strace

  • sysstat

  • tcpdump

  • tree

  • unzip

  • vim

  • w3m-nographics

  • wdiff

  • wget

  • xfsprogs


We provide global basic config for some tools, like bash. Further configuration can be done with dotfiles in a user’s home directory.