
Here is a sample walkthrough how to use the API with the default Python xmlrpclib client to create a new project, a VM, a service user, and grant permissions to a human user. The walk through can be recreated using the same credentials with our Vagrant-based test environment:

>>> import xmlrpclib, ssl
>>> if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
...     ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
>>> s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(
>>> s.ping()

We start out with a master project that the API key is granted to:

>>> s.query('resourcegroup')
[{'__type__': 'resourcegroup',
  'customer_no': '',
  'maintenance_end': 5,
  'maintenance_start': 22,
  'name': 'services',
  'notification_leadtime': 12,
  'parent': '',
  'production': True,
  'technical_contacts': ['admin@flyingcircus.io'],
  'timezone': 'Europe/Berlin'}]

We create a new project with only minimal details and get the full record back:

>>> s.apply([{'__type__': 'resourcegroup', 'name': 'example'}])
[{'__type__': 'resourcegroup',
  'customer_no': '',
  'maintenance_end': 5,
  'maintenance_start': 22,
  'name': 'example',
  'notification_leadtime': 12,
  'parent': 'services',
  'production': True,
  'technical_contacts': [],
  'timezone': 'Europe/Berlin'}]

Now we can create a VM in this project:

>>> s.apply([{'__type__': 'virtualmachine',
...           'name': 'example00',
...           'resource_group': 'example',
...           'location': 'vgr'}]
[{'__type__': 'virtualmachine',
  'classes': ['role::backupclient', 'role::customerproject'],
  'cores': 1,
  'deletion': {'deadline': '', 'stages': []},
  'disk': 10,
  'environment': 'production',
  'frontend_ips_v4': 1,
  'frontend_ips_v6': 0,
  'id': 4103,
  'interfaces': {'fe': {'mac': '02:00:00:02:10:07',
                        'networks': {'': ['']}},
                 'srv': {'mac': '02:00:00:03:10:07',
                         'networks': {'': ['']}}},
  'kvm_host': '',
  'location': 'vgr',
  'machine': 'virtual',
  'memory': 256,
  'name': 'example00',
  'online': True,
  'production': True,
  'resource_group': 'example',
  'resource_group_parent': 'services',
  'reverses': {},
  'service_description': '',
  'servicing': True,
  'timezone': 'Europe/Berlin'}]


The location identifies the datacenter you want to place the virtual machine in and is required. It cannot be changed unless you delete the VM first. The test environment has a location named 'vgr' available. Our production data center is called 'rzob'.

To let the VM do something useful, we can select classes:

>>> s.apply([{'__type__': 'virtualmachine', 'name': 'example00',
              'classes': ['role::appserver', 'role::webgateway']}])
[{'__type__': 'virtualmachine',
  'classes': ['role::appserver',

Now, lets create a service user for this project:

>>> s.apply([{'__type__': 'serviceuser',
...           'uid': 's-example',
...           'resource_group': 'example'}])
[{'__type__': 'serviceuser',
  'description': '',
  'gid_number': 101,
  'home_directory': '/srv/s-example',
  'id_number': 1001,
  'login_shell': '/bin/bash',
  'resource_group': 'example',
  'resource_groups_recursive': ['example'],
  'ssh_pubkey': [],
  'uid': 's-example',
  'virtual_machines': ['example00']}]

And now lets make the „Admin“ user part of this project with the right to log in and change into the service user:

>>> s.apply([{'__type__': 'permission',
...           'permission': 'login',
...           'resource_group': 'example',
...           'uid': 'admin'},
...          {'__type__': 'permission',
...           'permission': 'sudo-srv',
...           'resource_group': 'example',
...           'uid': 'admin'}])
[{'__type__': 'permission',
  'permission': 'login',
  'resource_group': 'example',
  'uid': 'admin'},
 {'__type__': 'permission',
  'permission': 'sudo-srv',
  'resource_group': 'example',
  'uid': 'admin'}]

Note that we used the batch-version of apply() to create two records at once. We also get both records back.

Additionally, you can just run all of those commands in a single big transaction and have either all of them executed, or none of them. However: you need to specify them in the order as if you executed them step by step to avoid internal dependency issues.

>>> s.apply([
... {'__type__': 'resourcegroup',
...  'name': 'example'},
... {'__type__': 'virtualmachine',
...  'name': 'example00',
...  'resource_group': 'example',
...  'location': 'vgr',
...  'classes': ['role::appserver', 'role::webgateway'},
... {'__type__': 'serviceuser',
...  'uid': 's-example',
...  'resource_group': 'example'}
... {'__type__': 'permission',
...  'permission': 'login',
...  'resource_group': 'example',
...  'uid': 'admin'},
... {'__type__': 'permission',
...  'permission': 'sudo-srv',
...  'resource_group': 'example',
...  'uid': 'admin'}])
[...output of all records as above...]