Release 2020_019 (2020-07-06)#

NixOS 19.03 platform#

  • Revert our atomic firewall to the fine-grained reload/reconfiguration mechanism in baseline NixOS. This helps compatibility with dynamic rule systems like Docker, Kubernetes, etc. We also now filter custom rules in /etc/local/firewall to only interact with custom chains and prohibit interaction with the default chains. Existing configurations may become invalid but will not silently break as NixOS catches those errors without breaking the running configuration. We’ll clean up customer installations that are affected by this (#124117).

  • Update PHP to latest point releases: 7.3.19, 7.2.31. These include several security fixes (#126583).

  • Silence misleading journal messages from postfix-queue-perms.service (#126796).

  • FC Vagrant box: provide common directories under /etc/local by default.

  • Security updates: iproute (5.5.0), gnupg (2.2.19), gnutls (3.6.14) and git (2.25.4).